Like Isabel Allende said, "we can only have what we can give" and giving back is truly the only thing we have to give. Supporting those who need it the most is what really matters. Giving part of being a human, is being part of a community, having compassion and truly caring for our fellow eartlings, human or not human. It doens't need to be monetary donations if you are unable, you can donate your time, you can follow the organizations that truly resonate with you and share their stories on your socials, every little thing counts.


The following is just a list of different ways in which you could give back, all coming from my personal experience working with dozens of orgs for more than 23 years and I'll keep on adding to it if there is anything that I think it might be relevant, interesting or helpful. Scroll left to explore the short list I compiled.



Depending of your circumstances, you could volunteer in person.

If you choose to volunteer in person try looking for local organizations that resonate with you and are looking for volunteers. If you are unable to see this information on their websites or social media sites, email them or call them. If they are looking for volunteers, ask them what times and days do they need people, if their times, don't work for you, just mention the times you have available, they might still need you for an event...etc.

My first volunteer work was with an animal shelter miles away from me, that was in the middle of no where, so there was no public transport available (I don't have a driver's license). But they had a volunteer working for them that lived 5 minutes way from me so he would pick me up and we will go together, he will then take me back home at the end of the day. On a side note, do your research on who you are getting in the car with, just saying! lol



If you are unable to volunteer in person or the organizations that you love don't need any in person volunteers, try volunteering virtually. Some times, it can be less demanding since they usually need creative or admin work. But that is not always the case, they might need, for example, to have you teach your language, your skills, etc... they might need you to volunteer virtually for events and are going to need you to be available for entirety of the event.

You always need to make sure that the organization you want to work with understands the time you can give to them, your circunstances and limitations.

The organization I am currently virtually volunteering for is The Sanneh Foundation in Minnesota (USA), and they need me sporadically creating documents for them that are on brand, simple but demanding depending on the time I have to finish them etc.



Always do your research before donating. I had a terrible experience many years ago, with what I thought was an animal sanctuary. So from experience, ALWAYS research before donating or raising money.

The easiest way to know if the organization you want to donate to is real is by looking for their nonprofit registration, depending on your country this might look different, for example, in the US, you can do a Tax Exempt Organization search on the IRS' website. In Spain, you need to search though the "Sede Electrónica del Ministerio del Interior"..etc.

Monetary support is only what you can give, $1 makes a huge difference! So you can become a patron, send them sporadical amounts when you can, send them a monthly amount, if you have a store, donating a percentage of your net profits, etc. In some countries, like the US, by donating to registered nonprofits, the IRS offers tax deductions for any donations made over the course of the tax year.



Depending of your circumstances, you could volunteer in person.

If you choose to volunteer in person try looking for local organizations that resonate with you and are looking for volunteers. If you are unable to see this information on their websites or social media sites, email them or call them. If they are looking for volunteers, ask them what times and days do they need people, if their times, don't work for you, just mention the times you have available, they might still need you for an event...etc.

My first volunteer work was with an animal shelter miles away from me, that was in the middle of no where, so there was no public transport available (I don't have a driver's license). But they had a volunteer working for them that lived 5 minutes way from me so he would pick me up and we will go together, he will then take me back home at the end of the day. On a side note, do your research on who you are getting in the car with, just saying! lol



If you are unable to volunteer in person or the organizations that you love don't need any in person volunteers, try volunteering virtually. Some times, it can be less demanding since they usually need creative or admin work. But that is not always the case, they might need, for example, to have you teach your language, your skills, etc... they might need you to volunteer virtually for events and are going to need you to be available for entirety of the event.

You always need to make sure that the organization you want to work with understands the time you can give to them, your circunstances and limitations.

The organization I am currently virtually volunteering for is The Sanneh Foundation in Minnesota (USA), and they need me sporadically creating documents for them that are on brand, simple but demanding depending on the time I have to finish them etc.



Always do your research before donating. I had a terrible experience many years ago, with what I thought was an animal sanctuary. So from experience, ALWAYS research before donating or raising money.

The easiest way to know if the organization you want to donate to is real is by looking for their nonprofit registration, depending on your country this might look different, for example, in the US, you can do a Tax Exempt Organization search on the IRS' website. In Spain, you need to search though the "Sede Electrónica del Ministerio del Interior"..etc.

Monetary support is only what you can give, $1 makes a huge difference! So you can become a patron, send them sporadical amounts when you can, send them a monthly amount, if you have a store, donating a percentage of your net profits, etc. In some countries, like the US, by donating to registered nonprofits, the IRS offers tax deductions for any donations made over the course of the tax year.


Rancho Relaxo is an animal sanctuary founded by my dear friend Caitlin Cimini. Her and her husband Len take care of hundreds of animals in and out of their main property. They are located in New Jersey in the US. And they run solely on donations from their supporters (donations between $1 and $5), they don't receive any grants or any help from the government.

Caitlin's mission started in several years ago, when she rescued her first non human animal on a whim — a wild mustang she named Halona. She had learned that the mare was destined for slaughter, so without a plan in mind, Caitlin bought the mustang from the federal government’s Bureau of Land Management for $125. It was a decision that changed her life forever.

Caitlin had always lived along the Jersey Shore, but when she suddenly found herself with a 2,000-pound animal to care for, she knew she needed to give up the ocean for the country. She scoured the state for a property she could afford with her salary as a Child Protective Services worker.75 properties later, Caitlin found herself at a farm near the Delaware border looking at another horse in need of a forever home. He had been saved from slaughter by the farm owner, but she couldn’t keep him. When the owner learned Caitlin was still in need of a property, she made Caitlin a generous offer on the very land where they stood.

And just like that, Rancho Relaxo (jokingly named after a spa in The Simpsons) was born.

“You know you live in the country when your neighbors give you three chickens for a housewarming present,” says Caitlin, laughing. “Those hens were the loves of my life.” Then one day, all three went missing, and she was devastated. Caitlin was sure they had been eaten by a wild animal.A week later, one of the hens suddenly returned. “I was so happy I literally fell on the ground. That’s when I realized my mission was clear. I started taking in more and more unwanted animals.”Caitlin fostered puppies and kittens from kill shelters, rescued potbellied piglets advertised as food for exotic animals, and connected with local rescue organizations to learn how she could help with their new arrivals. When she couldn’t take in an animal herself, she found someone who could.Four years later, Caitlin is now one of the first people called in her area when an abused or neglected animal needs help.

Despite her severe animal allergies and asthma, a love for animals was always in Caitlin’s DNA. She says her life felt incomplete without animals, and even as a 5-year-old she would power through puffy eyes and a constricted throat just to cuddle with a puppy.As soon as Caitlin was old enough, she began volunteering at shelters. In high school, she secretly converted her closet to an animal hospital for countless hamsters and birds — much to the chagrin of her mother.

“I volunteered for probably 15 different rescues and have been around horses all my life. I ended up getting jobs and continued saving animals. I never stopped. The animal rescue thing has always been in me, but I never realized it.”

Since 2013, Caitlin has rescued over 300 animals of all shapes and sizes.

For the first two years, Caitlin ran Rancho Relaxo alone and on her own dime — getting by on ramen. Len joined her in 2014. Now several years later, they get some financial support from the animal lover community

Over the years, Rancho Relaxo’s social media following grew from 300 to well over 250K+. Real non human animal lovers tune in for Caitlin’s arresting portraits of her rescued flock (she was once a wedding photographer) and adorable videos of the goats playing on swings and trampolines.

Caitlin hopes to show others that animals are sentient, feeling creatures that deserve our respect.

Caitlin and Len bought the new neighbouring property in July 2016 with it's new expenses, fencing, rewire electric, and drill a well, etc.

And at the end of 2022 they took a hit financially and personally. A different sanctuary called Twist of Fate that purchased part of the property where Rancho Relaxo is located, was then trashed and dumped on them. Twist of Fate did not only neglect their finances but the animals that were in their care, is an extreme cruelty case and is still ongoing.

Rancho Relaxo stepped in and rescued the non human animals that made it out alive and is still paying the bills that come from that property.

So please consider donating to them or become a patron for as little as $1 a month or you can buy my apparel and 10% the net profits from your order will go to support them.


Consider donating to Rancho Relaxo or becoming a monthly patron.



Over the years I have supported many organizations giving between 10% to 100% of my net profits or/and volunteered countless hours of my time to them for free or/and created free content, designs, logos and other works for them. These organizations mean the world to me and I will continue supporting them as much as I can. Please consider donating to them and their missions, only if you are able and if not, please consider sharing their work on your socials or with your loved ones.

Because supporting those who needed the most is so important to me, I donate between 10% to 100% of my net profits to animal sanctuaries, organisations and amazing humans around the world. 

If you love my art and my mission, please consider supporting my work by subscribing to my Patreon or you can update your wardrobe by getting yourself new compassionate and kind gear.