The word artivism is a combination of art and activism. It’s the use of creative and artistic methods of expression to condemn, encourage awareness and stimulate change in society.
Artivism comprises of not only traditional mediums like paintings, literature, film and music but also shows on public spaces as visual arts, comedic performances, disruption of media, culture, poetic performances and protesting.

(Image "The Great Library of Alexandria")
In the western world, artivism has become more prominent, specifically in our current society, due to the idea of freedom of expression, because as we go back in time, things like written language and artistic depictions were only available to those considered noble, artistocrats, royalty or clerics.
But expressions of activism using song, traditional art and spoken word have been occurring way before our current society. Some examples we have come from those from the global majority. Like the art of quilting as a form of resistance and coded communications on the underground rail road. As Sharon Tindall, a Virginia (USA), educator and quilter herself, explains, an enslaved person could read the designs and shapes on a quilt to understand where the dangers where and the best ways to get to freedom. To know more about this art form of resistance visit Quilts By Sharon []
(Image "The Great Library of Alexandria")
In the western world, artivism has become more prominent, specifically in our current society, due to the idea of freedom of expression, because as we go back in time, things like written language and artistic depictions were only available to those considered noble, artistocrats, royalty or clerics.
But expressions of activism using song, traditional art and spoken word have been occurring way before our current society. Some examples we have come from those from the global majority. Like the art of quilting as a form of resistance and coded communications on the underground rail road. As Sharon Tindall, a Virginia (USA), educator and quilter herself, explains, an enslaved person could read the designs and shapes on a quilt to understand where the dangers where and the best ways to get to freedom. To know more about this art form of resistance visit Quilts By Sharon []

So we must assume that acts and expressions of resistance are part of human nature, whenever there is an oppressor there will be a form of resistance and protest against it, and in the most devastating moments in our history, those acts of resistance had to be hidden or expressed through different forms of expression.
Artivism has been weaponized by corporations, companies and governments across the world. The manipulation and monetization of people’s need for change is a current issue. We see unethical companies and corporations pretending to show support for oppressed groups on our daily lives, when it’s obvious they couldn’t care less. For example, during Pride month you’ll see stores carrying items of clothing or decor with rainbows and slogans that are completely disconnected from the actual communities that they claim to support. During the 2020 protests everyone was selling “Black Lives Matter” apparel and monetizing the struggle inflicted upon Black peoples and people of the global majority, when those companies (big and small) and corporations had no intention on supporting their Black and global majority employees (if they had any) or organisations that were aiming to create change etc…
So we must assume that acts and expressions of resistance are part of human nature, whenever there is an oppressor there will be a form of resistance and protest against it, and in the most devastating moments in our history, those acts of resistance had to be hidden or expressed through different forms of expression.
Artivism has been weaponized by corporations, companies and governments across the world. The manipulation and monetization of people’s need for change is a current issue. We see unethical companies and corporations pretending to show support for oppressed groups on our daily lives, when it’s obvious they couldn’t care less. For example, during Pride month you’ll see stores carrying items of clothing or decor with rainbows and slogans that are completely disconnected from the actual communities that they claim to support. During the 2020 protests everyone was selling “Black Lives Matter” apparel and monetizing the struggle inflicted upon Black peoples and people of the global majority, when those companies (big and small) and corporations had no intention on supporting their Black and global majority employees (if they had any) or organisations that were aiming to create change etc…

In these current times, with social media driving most people’s every day lives, there are some "typical" human beings, take advantage of others oppressions and hardships. And those who want to help, suffer from oppression or want to show support, fall for those tactics.
But among those that only want to make money and seek no real change there are those who truly support their communities. I am not saying that artists and artivists should just create art and expect nothing from it, everyone needs to make a living and still demand change.
If you love a piece of visual art, literature, etc… that truly resonates with you, is most likely created by an artist that feels the same way as you do. Art is not just putting “pen on paper”, it's so much more. And in artivism the work is 100% coming from that artist’s emotions, possible lived trauma, pain and real life experiences, so we want to make sure we support the people that truly care.
In a world where people’s attention is only 2 or 3 seconds, is truly difficult to ask anyone to research before investing their time and money.
But for those who care and want to see change, there are tools we can use to find out if the work is genuine and not a cheap copy or it's made by a cash grabbing company that want to make a quit buck and doesn’t care about you, your cause and what you care about, and definitely are not doing what they preach.
As an artivist myself, I use google images to make sure that the art, artivist or activist or company I want to support, created the work and is not copying anyone. I want to support genuine humans who care genuinely because I want them to continue creating. You can do this with quotes you love, content creators etc…
Artivism is a way to connect, what is more human than looking for true connections. The need to not feel alone when we are going through something or when we want to support those we care about, is human nature. Even as a true introvert myself, I look for community on matters I care about, because I have a need to have meaningful discussions and talk about issues within our society, and that also helps me be a better artivist. But most importantly we must listen. Listening to those who are being oppressed, who have different lived experiences, enriches our lives and helps us be more effective on our artivism and our daily lives.
I'm not infallible on my artivism and I have made mistakes, but I know that my lived experiences and knowledge have helped many create change. And the constructive feedback I have gotten over the years have also helped me grow and do better.

If you are an artist that want to journey into artivism or you are already an artivist, feel your feels, research and listen, is not all-or-nothing, not everything can be changed from one day to the next. For example, you can't ask, much less demand, a person living on a “food desert” to go vegan, do your research and be respectful of people’s circumstances and own struggles. But you can ask for people to understand that non human animals are sentient and deserve respect. You can’t demand an indigenous or native person to stop consuming animals because is part of their culture and they are not the ones decimating our world, supporting factory farming, climate change and so on. Demand change from the big corporations and companies and those who are supporting them, that should be your end goal. Targeting communities we are not a part of won’t help anyone and will change nothing.
If you are an artist that want to journey into artivism or you are already an artivist, feel your feels, research and listen, is not all-or-nothing, not everything can be changed from one day to the next. For example, you can't ask, much less demand, a person living on a “food desert” to go vegan, do your research and be respectful of people’s circumstances and own struggles. But you can ask for people to understand that non human animals are sentient and deserve respect. You can’t demand an indigenous or native person to stop consuming animals because is part of their culture and they are not the ones decimating our world, supporting factory farming, climate change and so on. Demand change from the big corporations and companies and those who are supporting them, that should be your end goal. Targeting communities we are not a part of won’t help anyone and will change nothing.

You have the power to create change and I’m rooting for you!