My name is Alba, last name Paris, my pronouns are she/her/hers, I am a full time ART-ivist and small independent business owner. I sell my work on clothing, accessories, bags, stationary, etc… I’m always updating my merch ;). I also freelance for big and small companies and organisations whose ethics align with mine. I specialise on branding, website design, and social media content. My favourite thing to do is to get to know the people I work with and help them create a space that truly represents them and their vision. If you want to work with me, email me at hi@albaparis.com.
My favourite thing to create is meaningful art, as well as art for the sake of it! ☺. I've been creating art to start conversations about human and non human liberation since 2014. All oppression is linked. Together, we must abandon the single-issue approach in favour of advancing the causes of all marginalised beings in order to end systems of oppression. My work has been shared and viewed by billions, I love that my art resonates with so many humans around the world. You probably have used my work before on your socials, it seems like Pigleaf’s GIFs are pretty popular. I was one of the initial artists hired by Giphy to populate Meta, Snapchat and Twitter with fun animations for the world to use. I currently have 22.5 billion views on Giphy. My animals with flower crowns, specially my little calf inspired by Chester from Rancho Relaxo’s Animal Sanctuary in NJ, USA inspired many artists to create their own artworks, helping bring the message of compassion around the globe.

I created a little comic that I love, is about Pigleaf, my little pig born from joy and innocence, that has lots of love to give, is a bit naive, has great ideas and wants to bring happiness and compassion to the world. Their main reason to be here is to remind you to be kind to yourself and to others.
On this little space of the internet, I welcome and celebrate everyone. I do not tolerate injustice and the oppression of others. I am an anti-oppression, anti-racist, feminist, womanist ally, animal rights activist, disability advocate and LGBTQAI2S+ ally. Oppression is interconnected.
I love starting respectful conversations with anyone that is curious and willing to talk and listen. I am not a perfect activist and advocate so I am always willing to learn from others. I believe that we all have the power to grow and learn to create a kinder, more inclusive and compassionate world for human and non-human animals.
I created a little comic that I love, is about Pigleaf, my little pig born from joy and innocence, that has lots of love to give, is a bit naive, has great ideas and wants to bring happiness and compassion to the world. Their main reason to be here is to remind you to be kind to yourself and to others.
On this little space of the internet, I welcome and celebrate everyone. I do not tolerate injustice and the oppression of others. I am an anti-oppression, anti-racist, feminist, womanist ally, animal rights activist, disability advocate and LGBTQAI2S+ ally. Oppression is interconnected.
I love starting respectful conversations with anyone that is curious and willing to talk and listen. I am not a perfect activist and advocate so I am always willing to learn from others. I believe that we all have the power to grow and learn to create a kinder, more inclusive and compassionate world for human and non-human animals.

Because supporting those who needed the most is so important to me, I donate between 10% to 100% of my net profits to animal sanctuaries, organisations and amazing humans around the world.
If you like my art and my mission, please consider supporting my work by subscribing to my Patreon on getting yourself new compassionate and kind gear.